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Fwd: "Kill every last gay person"

From: Steve I.
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 12:24 PM

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Patrick Strudwick via" <[address removed]>
Date: 29 November[masked]:07:01 GMT
To: [address removed]
Subject: "Kill every last gay person"
Reply-To: "" <[address removed]>
Uganda's speaker of parliament has promised to pass a "Kill the Gays" bill in the next two weeks. Barclays and Citibank support LGBT rights in the UK and wield significant influence in Uganda. Tell them to speak out against this bill.
Sign My Petition

steven -

In a matter of days -- possibly even hours -- Uganda's parliament is set to pass the so-called "Kill the Gays" bill, which could enshrine in law the death penalty for LGBT people. Their Speaker described the bill as a "Christmas gift" for the Ugandan people. 

Activists in Uganda say that one way to stop this is by putting pressure on powerful international banks in the country to condemn the bill. 

Barclays and Citibank both have millions of pounds invested in Uganda and wield a huge influence on the government. A public statement from Barclays speaking out against the "Kill the Gays" bill might be the best chance to stop it and save gay people from being executed.

That's why I've started a petition on asking Barclays and Citibank to speak out against the "Kill the Gays" bill. Click here to sign my petition now.

Both banks have supported human rights for LGBT people in the Europe and the US. Barclays is one of the UK's top employers for LGBT people and prides itself on its work championing gay equality in Britain, which is why I've been a customer of theirs for years. 

But they cannot help us in the UK while helping to prop up a regime that kills LGBT people in Uganda.

If these banks speak out against the bill the Ugandan government will see the huge risk posed to business and their economy if they forge ahead with it.

Click here to sign my petition asking Barclays and Citibank to issue strong statements condemning Uganda’s "Kill the Gays" bill. The bill could come up for a vote any day, so swift action is essential.

Thank you,


P.S. There is not much time to stop this bill. Please help this campaign by forwarding this email to your friends. 

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