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New Meetup: Mega Catan

From: Harold
Sent on: Sunday, September 27, 2009, 8:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Central Texas Boardgames Meetup!

What: Mega Catan

When: October 3,[masked]:00 PM

Harold Coleman's Home
10608 Marbury Ct
Austin, TX 78726

I posted this on the Catan meetup, but I haven't gotten a great response yet (possibly due to ACL) so I'm posting it here. I'm hoping to get 5-6 players total for Mega Catan; others that show can play a variety of games I own. Here is what I posted:

"I would like to play a "Mega Catan" game. It would combine Cities & Knights, Seafarers and Traders & Barbarians along with some other minor variants from the T&B expansion like Fishermen of Catan and Harbor Master. It would offer many paths to victory and options for gaining points. I'm thinking of a 20 point game for 5-6 EXPERIENCED players (at least VERY familiar with C&K), which I'm thinking should last about 4 hours. I have devised a Seafarers setup with 4 islands and a point for settling each. T&B, if you've never played that scenario, is fun and involves transporting goods between three points using a wagon that has optional building upgrades to move more spaces in a turn and gain more gold for delivering the goods. Each good delivered is a VP and one can gain from 3-6 VP's in a standard game. The Mega Game would involve a lot of resource management plus there are gold pieces and fish that can be traded for resources or used for other purposes. T&B has a set of development cards I would mold into the game. We also have the Progress Cards from C&K. Then we have to contend with the Robber, Pirate (from SF), Barbarians (from C&K) and 3 other barbarians from T&B that block the wagon. I think it would be a great, but fun, mental challenge! I'm looking for at least 3 more players and I need FIRM commitments, but I am inviting up to a dozen or so players. I also have a good selection of other games, and I would like to play some Dominion after Catan, time permitting and gamers willing. I am cooking a Mexican casserole for a mid-game break, so bring a light snack and your favorite beverage."

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