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Meetup Ideas - Need Host(ess)!

From: Tricia J.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 12:34 PM
I was thinking that in upcoming months we might have a Carnivore's Dilemma meetup - each bring our favorite meat-based recipe, whether it be beef, chicken, pork, venison, water buffalo - you name it!

Another possibility is an All Things Chocolate meetup - bring your favorite chocolate creation, your favorite commercially available chocolate, your favorite chocolate beverage - and we'll just chocolate ourselves out!

What we need for each of these is a Foodies member to volunteer their home for the gathering. These are usually on weekends (so that folks have time to prepare the dishes without having to worry about work). The host gets to choose the date and time.

Let me know if you're interested in hosting one of these, or something else entirely.