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Seeking Venues for Potlucks!

From: Tricia J.
Sent on: Monday, February 2, 2009, 12:54 PM
We have several ideas for potlucks. What we need is members who are willing to host the potlucks in their homes. We've had a couple of offers from wine shops (which means that we couldn't bring our own wine, of course, but if they offer a selection for tasting, that can still work), but homes are still the preferred venue.

If you'd be willing to host one of the following potlucks during the upcoming months, please let me know which one or ones. North, South, Central, East, West, we like to move around the area, so wherever you are is fine!

February - Cajun/Creole Mardi Gras Style Potluck

March - Casseroles for the last little bit of cold weather

April - Italian Potluck

May - Mexican Cooking - Interior or TexMex

June - Picnic Potluck! (We don't really need a home for this, but suggestions for parks would be nice.)

Suggestions for other potluck ideas are more than welcome.

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