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New Meetup: Bark in the Park

From: Annabet
Sent on: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 8:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Charlotte Standard Poodle Meetup Group!

What: Bark in the Park

When: Saturday, April 24,[masked]:00 AM

Metrolina Expo
7100 Statesville Rd
Charlotte, NC 28269

Hi everyone ? I wanted to get this on your calendar.

The Carolina Poodle Rescue will have a table and they need our help. They plan to bring down a few dogs to show for adoption and they would like our help with a table for donations and pamphlets. We need just a few volunteers for set up (9-9:30am) and tear down (4pm). During the event, a couple of us can sit at the table and hang out with our pooches.

Does anyone have a tent they could lend us?

9am-11am set up ? Annabet
11am - 12pm - Annabet
12-1pm -
1-2pm -
2-3pm -
3-4pm (tear down) -

Event Information
Event: Saturday April 24th 10:00am ? 4:00pm
Set-up: Friday April 23rd 9:00am ? 8:00pm &
Saturday April 24th 7:00am ? 8:45am
All booth spaces must be set up by 9:30 am on April 24, 2010.
Spaces not set up by 9:30 am will be forfeited and no refunds will be given.
Break down of booth spaces will begin at 4:00pm.
Booths may not be taken down before this time.
All vendors are responsible for their own tent.

Learn more here:

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