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New Meetup: Sunday Outing - Tyler Arboretum

From: Bill J.
Sent on: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 6:51 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cheltenham Camera Club!

What: Sunday Outing - Tyler Arboretum

When: Sunday, October 3,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Michael's Diner
501 Easton Rd
Glenside , PA 19038

Sunday, October 3, 2010
A great day for taking pictures.

8:00 - 8:45 A.M. -- Michael's for breakfast. I'm inside having eggs and bacon, waiting for you.

If you prefer not to have breakfast with us, you can meet us there at 8:45 to car pool.

Then it's on to:
Tyler Arboretum
515 Painter Road
Media, PA 19063
Non-member adults (16 to 64), $9
Non-member seniors (65+), $8
Non-member youths (3-15), $5; children under 3 are free

Tyler offers:

The earliest portion of Lachford Hall was built in 1738.

Tyler's Pond is a popular spot to visit any time of the year. The unique wooden deck, built in 1990, allows easy access right to the edge of the water and serves as a perfect viewing spot to look at the variety of wildlife that call the Pond home. Nearby benches provide places to rest and enjoy the serenity of the space.

As you visit Tyler's Native Woodland Walk, be sure to notice the distinct components of the woodland plant community; the majestic canopy trees, graceful under-story trees; sheltering thickets of shrubs; and drifts of ferns, wildflowers, and mosses that make up the ground layer.

Tyler's Maze is a meadow Labyrinth that invites adventurers to solve the puzzle. Along the paths and around the maze perimeter there are Discovery Stations that educate and entertain as visitors twist and turn through the maze's paths.

The Painter Library is a small but unique repository of 18th and 19th century manuscripts, letters, documents and books. It was constructed in 1863 by Jacob and Minshall Painter, bachelor brothers who had an unquenchable curiosity about the natural world.

Directions, if you prefer to meet us there:

Take the Blue Route to the Route 1 - Springfield/Lima exit (Exit#5). Take Route 1 Southbound to Route 352. Turn right onto route 352 North, which goes past the Granite Run Mall. Follow Route 352 North to the first intersection after the Mall and turn right onto Barren Road. Follow Barren Road past Penncrest High School (on the right). Turn left at the next intersection (small intersection with four-way stop signs) onto Painter Road. Follow Painter Road about one mile to the Arboretum entrance, located on the right.
We will leave the restaurant at 8:45, so we should arrive at Tyler between 9:30 and 9:45.

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