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New Meetup: Gary San Pietro presents his Fusion Series

From: Bill J.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 10:18 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cheltenham Camera Club!

What: Gary San Pietro presents his Fusion Series

When: Tuesday, November 23,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Rowland Community Center
400 Myrtle Avenue
Cheltenham, PA 19012

Local photographer Gary San Pietro will present his work with a method he calls Fusion.

He creates each of the images in the series by sandwiching two transparencies. One of them is shot for the purpose of creating a new image, and a secondary image culled from his slide library.

His goal in making these photographs is to meld together work from different times in his 30 year career in order to enhance the composition of his new image and evoke a sense of mystery and wonder in the viewer.

This is altered reality at the highest level. San Pietro, a Cheltenham resident, has exhibited widely both locally and nationally. You can see more of his work at .

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