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3 Secret Weapons to Being More Productive in Your Business

From: Brady P.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 11:00 AM
Do you find yourself distracted by every shiny object in sight?

Do you miss appointments, are late for meetings, and can't seem to be on time?

Do you want a shortcut to staying on track and productive?

Come join us this Wednesday, April 17 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST and learn from three of the top experts in the productivity space on how to solve your productivity woes. 

If you have been swimming a task list up to your ears and wondering what to do and where to go next, you've found the right people and the right place to be. Each of the speakers has been curated because they have a particular specialty and knowledge for you to do what all us entrepreneurs want, to make more money in less time and be able to enjoy it. 

Be prepared to ask questions in the chat box that are specific to your own challenges (and they can be anonymous if you need them to be, no judgment).

During this talk you will learn: 

- How to be productive even if you thought you'd never be able to
- The secret to motivating yourself into effective action consistently
- The biggest trick that people miss when it comes to being productive and would make it so simple

This is a dynamite group and you definitely want to be on this call!


Brady Patterson
COO, Success Road Academy
Organizer, Entrepreneurs International Network

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