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New Meetup: Week 1 Football: Bears Vs. Lions

From: Robert
Sent on: Sunday, September 5, 2010, 7:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Chicago Sports Club of New England!

What: Week 1 Football: Bears Vs. Lions

When: Sunday, September 12,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The Courtside Restaurant and Pub
291 Cambridge St
Cambridge, MA 02141

Let's meet at the Courtside Restaurant and Pub for the first regular season game. Hopefully the Bears start the season on the right note and give the Lions a loss, so come on out and cheer on your Bears!

About the Courtside Restaurant and Pub

Courtside Restaurant and Pub have 12 HD TV's and they have the NFL SUNDAY TICKET. They seat over 200 people.


Courtside Restaurant and Pub is located 2 blocks from Leachmere T Station.
They also have free parking in their lot.

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