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Mac 'n Cheese - new member introduction

From: Saya
Sent on: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 2:07 PM
Hi -

My name is Saya and I run a digital media company, Mac 'n Cheese Productions.  Most of my business is creating marketing/fundraising videos for organizations, and teaching video/photography to Chicago Public School students in low-income neighborhoods.

I also run a networking service, Mac 'n Cheese Dinner Parties, due to a love of connecting people to each other, a love of hostessing, and a love of board games and wine. These are low-key networking gatherings in my Roscoe Village home where no one knows each other at the start, and by the end of the evening, you're exchanging contact info and making plans to hang out again.

I publish a free bi-monthly e-newsletter called Smatterings as well, that runs the gamut - job openings, referrals, grant opportunities, social/cultural happenings, sales, etc.

Joined the group as I'm always looking to meet others, learn of new resources, and take advantage of living in this great city!

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