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Event details changed: CCMG (35th Meet)

From: Jae L.
Sent on: Saturday, April 21, 2007, 11:28 AM
I've updated this event. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 6:00 PM

Where: Mercury Cafe
1505 West Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60622

Event fee: USD2.00 per person

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP 'No' or 'Maybe' as well as 'Yes'.)

You can always get in touch with me through the 'Contact Organizer' feature on the website:

Details Follow:
This Thursday, we will have the option to have a blitz tournament. It'll be G/5 (5 minutes for each side) and Entry
Fee will be $10. If there are less than 8 people there will be one winner who will take home 80% of Entry fees. If there are more than 8, we'll share the prize fund between two places.

We will have 5 rounds using swiss system unless we have few enough people to be able to do 5 rounds of round robin. You are not required to play in the tournament. CCMG members can still just come to watch or play their own games for $2, people who are participating in the tournament will have to complete all games when rounds start. Round 1 will start promptly at 6:30PM and subsequent rounds will start as soon as pairings are done. Seeding will be done either by order of entry or by alphabetical order based on name as we all don't have ratings.

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