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What we’re about

Are you in your 20s? Do you like watching movies? Are you into art and want to make friends who are also into art? Then this is the group for you!

At least once per week, we watch a movie and then get drinks afterwards. Sometimes this is a specially selected screening at our own Cine NYC space, and other times we see something playing in theaters -- both new movies and classics (these days, more often classics). There are no bounds to what we see in regards to nationality, genre, release date, popularity, or even just straight-up weirdness. Variety is the spice of life, and as long as something looks cool we can see it. So let's watch some movies, get to know each other, and have a great time!

This meetup is limited solely to ages 20 through 30: college students and young professionals, essentially. There are lots of "20s and 30s" groups on Meetup, but in practice they end up being mostly older people, and our goal is to create a social space for people in their 20s. We require members to have a profile picture showing their face. Administrators of the group can decline or remove members for any reason, and this is non-negotiable.

If you want to suggest any movies then message one of the organizers!

Upcoming events (1)

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