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In response to the complete LACK of any group, gathering, or social network activity that was welcoming to all; The Circles Edge decided to officially start one up.

This particular meet up is for grad students, locals, & internationals who are here alone &/or new to this mid-Atlantic area.

This meet up is geared towards wholesome, love shy singles, internationals, and folks alone in the area.
Where wholesome means - NOT into 1-night stands or casual sex.

Love shy means - people who are very shy, awkward, nervous, around the opposite sex. So much so that they may even be virgins.

With guests from all over, this meet up is open to everyone. However it?s geared towards incels, internationals & singles in this area; students who may feel bullied, people who dont fit in, as well as those trying to wait for marriage.

Please introduce yourself AND tell us why YOU feel that this particular meet up is more of a fit for you over the typical casual dating/singles meet up. For ex., you are shy. Or you believe in more traditional values in dating & meeting a partner. Or you hate/had absolutely no success with the typical casual dating scene.



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