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<div><tag> support question

From: dave van h.
Sent on: Monday, March 17, 2008, 4:24 PM

Long ago and far away, our web designer took a powder for one of our sites, and left us high and dry (yes, she was paid in full, and in advance, go figure ) without providing us with the training and support that was part of the agreement; I’ll think twice about hiring a Millennia Gen Programmer. I’ve been very disappointed with the work ethic on two occasions. Sorry to bark, but I continue to find a work ethic, and pride in workmanship ethic missing, though I’ve found a ton of talent.  


The problem I am experiencing is this….


I am in the process of finishing out the work she left undone which was also part of the agreement,  includes adding affiliate links into the template of our authors’ mini-site. For an example of the goat rodeo I created, see:


The code was written with a bunch of <div> <tag> stuff that makes it impossible for a non-programmer type like me to embed the affiliate links so they look good, and so our authors can take advantage affiliate dollars for their fund raising efforts.


Could one of you kind folks assist me in teaching me how to fix this….?


Thanks in advance.


Dave Van Horn

[address removed]



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