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Lots of RSVPs, our meetup should be pretty exciting.

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Thursday, August 9, 2007, 11:54 PM
I want to thank all of yall that have RSVPed. Even the no rsvps help. I am going to be bringing a couple of folks, one from my job, and the other our php consultant, Seth. Neither on the group yet, but hopefully they will be after tuesday. Also, our network consultant is on the group now, Adam. I'm trying to give him a shoutout and encouragment to come if he is able to swing his schedule. I'm excited for all three of them to meet yall, and vis a versa vise thing however that sayin goes:)

Since folks will be driving for me, I should be able to allow myself a Guinness. Along those lines, (or not even related) Brendan has created a new group for us at Virb. You can see that here:

Also Dan Ott has won the latest CSS Off. Check out the msg Eric posted about it here, and of course we all want to offer our congratulations to Dan.

Lastly, I know there are some folks that won't be able to make it. If anyone wishes to join via Skype, let me know as soon as you can, so we can try to do some testing maybe the day before.

In other news, I looked at a fantastic loft. 8000 sqft. The price is reasonable for the size, about 2.50 sqft. But still a bit more than me and my friends were wanting to spend. So we are still debating. Just so yall know it is right there off of superior at about East 30th. So in a few months, if I get it, that is also an option for workshops, even if anyone has a spur of the minute one they want to run. Here's crossin my fingers:)

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