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Contact Us at ClimbOn

From: Patrick R
Sent on: Friday, November 18, 2011, 1:16 AM


Ok, well it's actually just Contact Me.  I've received a few complaints lately from group members, and some of them are quite concerning. I am now providing an email address specifically for this purpose: [address removed].   


My greatest concern is with any activity that willfully disrupts or interferes with a meetup.  I'm primarily talking about activity on the site, such as one member inappropriately making changes to another member's meetup, RSVP, etc.  This group is meant to give everyone a lot of freedom to self-organize, but that freedom can be abused.


I am concerned to a lesser extent about arguments in comments and discussions, as I expect people to behave in an adult manner and exercise self-restraint.  However, I also recognize that negative messages can at times rise to the level of significant disruption, and that members who consistently fail to play well with others are probably asking me to remove them from the group. 


Both of those are examples of abuse of other group members and of the trust placed in members to self-organize and self-police.  If you experience problems like those I have described, please send information to [address removed].  The regular abuse links you see around the site go to the Meetup company, not to me, and they are mainly for identifying spam. 


What I most need to receive are the automated messages that Meetup sends to you if, say, someone replies to your comment, if your RSVP changes, if you were removed from a meetup, etc.  If that happens and it's abuse by another member, please forward the automatic message(s) to [address removed] with your explanation of the problem. If your profile settings are such that you get digest emails instead of individual emails, you may need to switch to individual emails to get all of those automated messages. 


Well, this turned out to be longer than I planned.  But it all kinda needed to be said.  The experiment continues.  Thanks for taking part in it. 



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