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FW: Sport Climbing @ Malibu Creek this Saturday (Jan. 7th) anyone??

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 9:03 PM

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Sport Climbing @ Malibu Creek this Saturday (Jan. 7th) anyone??
Date: Wed, 4 Jan[masked]:03:05 -0800

Sup all.  Me and my buddy Max are cruisin up to Malibu Creek from San Diego for some sport climbing.  Prolly get there around 9am.  We climb 5.9 into 10a'ish comfortably.  We attempt 10b's to 11's with hangdogging and taking some cool falls.  If anyone wants to meet up, we're always up to meet chill people to climb with.  Might have room if anyone wants to carpool from SD.  We'll split gas.  Please be comfortable leading atleast 5.9 unless u bring a partner and gear.  I will bring one climbing rope and 12 quickdraws that we can share between 3 people.  I've sent out emails before without being specific enough and someone will show up not prepared or not knowing what to expect.  I just wanna have a fun and safe day climbing.  Hope to hear from u soon!


[address removed]