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Re: [Clojadelphia] A Call for Co-Organizers (like Steve Shogren!)

From: Chirag D.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 6:39 AM
I would be happy to step in as a co-organizer.

On January 6, 2014 at 9:35:34 PM EST, Tim Visher <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello Fellow Clojadelphians,

I wanted to personally write this to thank Steve Shogren, who has stepped in such a major way lately and for the forseeable future as a co-organizer of Clojadelphia. His support has been solely responsible for the upcoming SICP Study group (entirely his idea), for a great talk on Macros out of Let Over Lambda (again, all him), and for getting us hosting at Algorithmics.

Beyond that, he's become a good friend and partner to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm together with.

Thanks, Steve!

Here's the thing™, I have limited time. Way less limited than it used to be, but with 4 kids, a full time job, a full time wife, and various other things in my life time is still, indeed, limited.

You have no idea how excited and entirely unoffended I would be for other people to step up like Steve and begin to organize nights under the Clojadelphia banner. I really want to get Clojadelphia to the point where we've got something going on every week of the year, and people can pick and choose what they can make based on their interests and location.

Being an organizer is easier than it sounds! Anyone can suggest a meetup, set its location, time, etc. Want to get together to hack with someone? Put it on the Meetup page and see who signs up! Have an idea for a presenter to come around with access to that presenter? Put it on the Meetup page and see who signs up! I'm so completely willing to work with anyone who wants to step up in this regard, and I'll do whatever I can to make sure you have hosting and other such things if you can't find any yourself.

So if anyone's interested in organizing things with me, I think we can have an even better 2014 than it's already shaping up to be. :)


In Christ,

Timmy V. -- Spend less time on mail

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