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More Clojure side projects and startups

From: Jen S.
Sent on: Thursday, May 29, 2014, 11:08 AM
Hey there, 

Just a reminder that the next deadline for NYC applications for Founder Dating is coming up on July 30th. Apply here to join a hand-picked network of entrepreneurs and engineers looking for cofounders and advisors while sharing critical resources. 

For those of you who don't already know - Founder Dating is an invite-only, online network for entrepreneurs to connect with potential cofounders and advisors as well as share best practices. Many people are finding success in matching with cofounders (Au Manil just entered TechStars, Tapactive is in ER Accelerator, etc). 

What makes FD different: 

  • High Quality - members are carefully screened for quality and readiness (no recruiters, etc.) Applications and members’ identities are confidential, but a few of the folks who are part of the network are former founders or early employees from python-focused companies like: Google, Loggly, Yelp and YouTube just to name a few.

  • Balanced - 50% engineering & 50% non-engineering

  • Reach - FD’s online network allows you to connect with people in your city and beyond to share ideas and begin building something you’re passionate about.

  • No Idea Necessary - FD is about the people, so you don’t need to have an idea, just be ready to work on a serious side project

Hope it helps,

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