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Important message: my developer outreach activity

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Monday, November 5, 2012, 10:08 AM

Greetings all,

I've sent quite a few messages out lately and while I apologize for the inbox assault, I do want to make sure this group is kept informed on what's going on.

However, much of the activity with which I'm involved centers around Nokia's developer efforts specifically, and even though Nokia is sponsoring this group and this is definitely a local home for me personally, there are aspects of my involvement that are best managed outside of this meetup site.

To that extent, I am making some changes to my little vanity Wordpress site,, to manage Nokia Developer outreach activities.  That will be my first go-to spot for Nokia-specific efforts, and I will share everything that's relevant here as well.

I am urging everyone who wants to work closely with me to register at my site as well.  I realize it can be a pain to deal with so many sites, so I will make it as easy on you as I can.  There are some plugins for available to Wordpress, and I am looking at the best one(s) to use for your benefit.

There will also be special benefits available to members who want to play in the Nokia ecosystem, and you will need to be signed up at my site to take advantage of them.  I am putting together communications on that and will share ASAP.

So head over to, sign up, and get ready to rock!

Best regards,


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