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ALERT! App info contest! Must read!

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Thursday, December 6, 2012, 7:47 PM

Okay, I'm having spotty success getting app info, so I've decided to make a contest out of it.

This is going to be one of the easiest yet.  Ignore at your peril!

Simply send me the following information for each active Windows Phone app you've had published by the submission date below:

  • app name
  • date published
  • version
  • marketplace link

along with:

  • Your legal name
  • Your dev center email
  • DVLUP account (you MUST be registered to qualify)

Must be emailed to me by December 23.

Your name will go into a random drawing for a chance at 1 of 3 Nokia Lumia 800s, either black or magenta, to be drawn somewhere around Christmas day.  Each published app gives you one chance to win.  One active app?  One chance.  10 apps?  You got it: 10 chances.  But: maximum one prize awarded per person.

Even if you have already provided me some data, you must respond to this with the required information to qualify.  This is in addition to other contests announced.  Need not observe Christmas to win.  ;)

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