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2012 Year-end Wrap-up (with contest updates)

From: Randall A.
Sent on: Sunday, December 23, 2012, 4:06 PM

Greetings all,

First I want to say Happy Holidays to everyone.  Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, I hope you enjoy the time.

Next I want to thank everyone for your participation.  Since Joyce started this group it has grown tremendously.  That growth has been slow and steady, mirroring the gradual increase in Windows Phone market share and interest.  I believe WP is poised to break out in 2013.

I realize that even some members of this group are still concerned about the success of Windows Phone, but let me assure you that Microsoft and Nokia are fully committed.  You've seen the promotions, the TV ads, the fact that Lumias are popping up all over the DFW area.  I've got over 30 Lumia 800s on hand, and with the upcoming 7.8 update they are still beautiful, viable phones for some.  So I'm looking to get these out there!  Your ideas on contests and other award methods are welcome.

DVLUP has proven to be popular, maybe more so than expected.  I understand that some of you have been frustrated by glitches in the beta stage but your feedback IS proving useful.  Many fixes and enhancements are coming.  Many thanks to those who have contributed!  I will be rewarding feedback providers-- stay tuned!  And if you have not gotten involved, why not?  Let me know!

Some have also already qualified for my own incentive offerings, with a few of you working hard to get the big prizes.  To entice you further, I am doing the following:

  • App incentive program is being extended to 11 January 2013
  • Backpack awards will now be enhanced with other small surprises.  Overall they are going to make two people very happy!

I will be handing out prizes at meetups, so if you qualify, make sure to attend!

On behalf of Nokia I want to say I appreciate everyone's work, interest and patience and look forward to an exciting 2013!

Randall "texrat" Arnold
Nokia Developer Ambassador

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