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The Founder Conference August 17th

From: Alain R.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 10:09 AM
Thanks again for another great co-founders meetup last Wednesday. A PDF file of the presentations is now available on the Meetup's website. The password was given during the meetup (hint: it's the place where we met, one word, no space, all uppercase). If you took pictures, please upload them on the Meetup page as well.

The Founder Conference on August 17th: Sign up now for 50% discount

The next co-founders meetup will be special: it will be part of the first Founder Conference, to be held on August 17 in Mountain View. We'll have a crowd of 250+ founders and this half-day program will be packed with 7 hours covering not only finding a co-founder, but also how to improve your pitch, how to launch and get traction without funding, and how to get into YCombinator or the Founder Institute.

The lineup for speakers is amazing: Aaron Patzer, founder of, Drew Houston, founder of dropbox, Guy Kawasaki... The conference is co-sponsored by VentureBeat. Chris O'Brien of the San Jose Mercury News will be there as well. This is the conference to attend if you are starting a company in 2010!

But I need your help! By signing up early, you get a 50% discount (use promo code "cofoundersmeetup"), but as organizers, we get cash flow that allows us to organize the best conference possible. If everyone waited until the last minute, you'd pay full price ($100), and we'd be stressed to death. So please sign up, it's a great deal for all of us.

I also encourage you to consider this event organized by Dan Olsen of YourVersion:

Toolbox: A Workshop for Startups, Saturday June 12th at DLA Piper, Palo Alto
Join us for an all-day event dedicated to best practices in product management, user interface design, and marketing communications. In the morning presentations, each speaker will provide an overview of their area of expertise. The afternoon workshops give you the opportunity to interact 1-on-1 with each speaker to ask detailed questions, share and discuss real-world examples, network with other attendees, and get firsthand advice to help you solve the questions you face with your product and your company. Lunch is included"

Here is the discount code for people who attended the MeetUp:

Remember to check out the Meetup's site for messages from founders. If you know someone who knows someone who can help one of those founders, pass the info along.

Thanks again,

Alain Raynaud
The Founder Conference
Organizer, Co-Founders MeetUp of Silicon Valley
Founder Institute France
[address removed]
Twitter: @alain94040

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