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Co-Founders November Meetup Nov 2nd

From: Alain R.
Sent on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 10:36 AM
After the huge success of the first Founder Conference, we'll be back with our regular co-founders meetup format: 10 speaking slots available (3 minutes each) for startups looking for co-founders.

Please contact the organizer if you have a startup and are looking for a co-founder.

We'll also celebrate the first year anniversary of this meetup, so expect even more Champagne than usual :-)

If you are a software developer interested in joining a cool startup, you can attend for FREE. Just e-mail the organizer with a link to your LinkedIn profile or other evidence of your technical skills.

If you are a consultant looking to sell some services to young startups, you are in the wrong place.

Alain Raynaud
Organizer, Co-Founders MeetUp of Silicon Valley & Co-Founders MeetUp

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