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The TechMap has Partnered Yet Another Impactful Group

From: Johan B.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 11:23 AM

Hi Everyone,

The TechMap has Partnered Yet Another Impactful Group - Texas State Small Business Development Center

The Texas State SBDC has a team of 8 experienced, educated, professionally trained Business Advisors ready to mentor startups and existing businesses. We assist with strategic planning, business model development, targeted market research, international trade, new product development and financial analysis (among many other things).

The best part?  No charge. Ever. Most of our clients are existing businesses. We also work with technology startups and a very small number of them are students. There is never a charge for our advising/mentoring, no matter who the client is.

We're funded by the SBA and the State of Texas, so you have already paid for our services with your tax dollars--you might as well take advantage of them!  So far this year we've helped our clients start 37 businesses and obtain $50MM in funding.

Email us at [address removed] to schedule an appointment with an advisor and check out our website at .

Four of our Tech Team advisors will be at the next Co-Founders Meetup on August 11th.

RSVP Today space is limited

Hope to see you there!
Johan Borge

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