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Calling all developers, designers, and food lovers for TODAY STARTUP WEEKEND!

From: Johan B.
Sent on: Friday, November 13, 2015, 12:11 AM

Hi Everyone,

Startup Weekend Food is happening November 13-15.

Have you ever had an idea that would change the way we eat? An idea that would impact our global food system? Here's your opportunity to transform your thoughts into action. Find folks with the right skills, passion and dedication to help make your startup idea a reality. Test your idea with real potential customers, receive coaching from experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and win prizes that will help you take your startup idea to the next level!

We're looking for passionate foodies, students, entrepreneurs, developers, chefs and designers who want to innovate new systems and products related to food. Come learn the basics of founding and launching a successful startup while solving real problems we face in our food system.

Join us for Startup Weekend Food
Friday, November 13 - 15, 2015
Event starts at 6:30 pm

Orange Coworking
2110 W Slaughter Ln #160
Austin, TX 78748

Registration with 20% off at:

WE ALSO HAVE ONE FREE TICKET TO THE FIRST PERSON THAT EMAIL US AT [address removed] with their link to their techmap account. Signup it is for free if you haven't alreadyy.

Johan Borge

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