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Re: [ruby-81] rail 3.1 and JQuery - best carousel code?

From: Bram S.
Sent on: Monday, October 31, 2011, 7:15 AM

Try the new rails engine for image albums based on dragonfly, its called Imagine.
It's got a nice carousel and more.

Sent from my smartphone.

On Oct 31,[masked]:37 AM, "Liz" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi, I'm a ROR novice in the East Bay, and I'm working on a facebook app in Rails 3.1.  I haven't done a lot with javascript, but this app needs it for a carousel.   I need to put several carousels on a page.  I'm looking at Agile Carousel, but am not having tons of success getting it working.  This is problably due to me beeing a total noob with javascript and JQuery.  So, two questions: 
1) Do you hvae pointers for some tutorials for coming up to speed quickly with jQuery on Rails 3.1?  I've watched Ryan Bates' railscast on the toipic several times, but I think I need to see a more complex example.  
2) Does anyone have recommendations on good publicly available carousel jquery code?  Anyone used Agile Carousel?

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