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Re: [ruby-81] RETRY: rails rspec integration_tests and http authentication

From: Al C.
Sent on: Sunday, March 3, 2013, 9:08 AM
Interesting.  So the get method doesn't default to sending an empty hash for the headers, plus the Rack environment, I guess?


On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Jon Seidel <[address removed]> wrote:

Thanks, Al...

I had reviewed that page earlier and even tried the page.driver.browser.authorize method (along with several other approaches) and it hadn't worked for me.

What I found after a bit of re-testing this morining is that it also requires the special incantation on get:

get ee_requisitions, {}, @env

for it to work. A plain ol'

get ee_requisitions

still fails. Haven't been able to track all that down yet...

Thanks much...jon

Jon Seidel, CMC®

EDP Consulting, Inc. / /

Effective Decisions... Priceless

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