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What we’re about

ETHOS: The Narcissistic Abuse Support Group focuses on providing support, ensuring safety, and facilitating healing for individuals who have endured emotional/psychological abuse from a family member, partner, coworker, or any other narcissistic individual.

MEMBERS: In order to maintain the integrity of the group, it is essential that members currently reside in Colorado. Failure to meet this requirement will result in removal from the group and the inability to join. We convene once a month via Zoom, focusing our group sessions on specific topics and maintaining a maximum limit of 12 participants. If you RSVP "yes" but are unable to attend the group, we kindly request that you update your response to allow others to take your place in the limited slots. Failure to attend or modify your RSVP on two occasions will lead to removal from the group. To foster a secure environment, it is mandatory for all Zoom members to keep their cameras on and actively engage during the meetings.

ORIGIN: I am Tracy Malone, the founder of this group. I have dedicated many years to assisting survivors. As an international coach, speaker, teacher, author, and surTHRIVER, I established this group seven years ago to seek support for myself. Little did I know that the universe had a different plan for me. When I started my YouTube channel, my intention was to potentially help just one person with my extraordinary story, never imagining that it would touch the lives of millions.

ABOUT US: John K has been leading our weekly in-person groups in Lakewood for several years. To attend our in-person sessions, you must first participate in a pre-screening Zoom meeting. Following that, John will provide you with the location of our in-person gatherings.