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Last open spots for next week's upcoming indoor court leagues in Wheat Ridge!

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 11:04 AM

Hey Players, here is what's left for leagues that start next week! Let us know if you want a spot!


Open Spots:

Monday - Women BB/A room for 2 GIRLS on an existing team

Monday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing team

Monday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GUY and 2 GIRLS to complete an existing team

Monday - Men A 4 - 3 GUYS to complete an existing team

or room for 1 FULL TEAM


Wednesday - Women BB/A 4 - 1 GIRL needed to complete an existing team

Wednesday - Coed A 4 - 1 GIRL need to complete an existing team

Wednesday - Coed A 4 - room for 1 FULL TEAM or 4 SINGLES to complete a team

Wednesday - Coed BB 4 - 2 GUYS to complete an existing team

Wednesday - Coed BB 4 - 2 GUYS to complete an existing team

OR room for 1 FULL TEAM


Thursday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL and 1 GUY to complete an existing team

Thursday - Coed BB 4 - 2 GUYS to complete an existing team

OR room for 1 FULL TEAM

Thursday - Men BB 4 - 3 GUYS to complete a team

OR room for 1 FULL TEAM


Monday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing teamMonday - Coed BB 4 - 1 GIRL to complete an existing team

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