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What we’re about

Welcome to ConnYak.
Please visit our website for more information:
ConnYak maintains an online Bulletin Board at: The Bulletin Board has four pages for the following: PickUp Paddles (where members can invite others to join their personal paddling plans), Forum (for posts related to the club's activities and sea kayaking in general), Classified Ads (for personal ads related to kayaks and related gear) and Commercial Ads (for various businesses that offer sea kayaks, gear and kayaking-related services). The Bulletin Board is open to the general public but users must register to obtain access.
Connyak has been active over 20 years. Our mission is to encourage and support sea kayak adventures within and outside Connecticut. We organize trips all along the Connecticut coast, set up pool sessions to learn and practice self rescue techniques such as rolling, and have picnics and parties to allow paddlers to meet and socialize on and off the water. We are dedicated to promoting safe, responsible sea kayaking skills through mutual support and encouragement.
For more information on what to expect on paddles, paddle ratings, etc., go to:
We welcome you to join us on paddles.