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What we’re about

This group is open to all conscious embodied Dance, Movement & Meditation practices happening in Mallorca.
SURYASOUL® - a Dance Of Life - based on the Chakra system (the 7 energy centers) and the Tao and Yoga philosophies. It includes inspiring rhythms and music from all around the world, the Nada Genres.  SuryaSoul® (surya=sun in sanskrit) is a combination of tao movements, dance, yoga, heart, music, meditation and lifestyle. It is an open invitation to every Body & Soul, to all Dancers of Life. We move, we shine, we dance, we sing, we meditate and include! 
5RHYTHMS® - Bailar los 5Ritmos es una práctica, una forma dinámica de hacer ejercicio y meditar en la misma respiración. Nos enseñan que la vida es energía en movimiento y nos liberan de cualquier noción fija que tengamos sobre cualquier persona, lugar, objeto o idea. 
Nos ayudan a descubrir la sabiduría de nuestro cuerpo, y desatan el dinámico poder sanador del movimiento.
Al bailar 5Ritmos, el cuerpo se convierte en nuestro camino espiritual.
¨The 5Rhythms are states of Being. They are a map to everywhere we want to go, on all planes of consciousness – inner and outer, forward and back, physical, emotional and intellectual.They are markers on the way back to a real self, a vulnerable, wild passionate, instinctive self.¨- Gabrielle Roth
ECSTATIC DANCE - At Ecstatic Dance you can dance how you like. We like to create a space where everybody feels free and safe to express. There is not much watching going on, most people are too busy with their own dance or others. No talking on the dance floor. No talking is a great tool to help you to get out of your mind and into your body, finding that magical moment of dancing bliss much easier.
At Ecstatic Dance the DJ will create waves of fast and slow (mostly) electronic music. This is done with great thought and intent to create the best dance experience possible. It's like going on a journey and the DJ is your tour guide.
WAKE UP DANCE- Wake Up Dance es una fiesta diurna sin alcohol.

Upcoming events (4+)

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