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The mind is like a parachute; it does its job when it's opened...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 4:34 PM

Dear friends,

Everybody at Conscious Living Dublin is now literally counting down the days towards what is certainly going to be one of the most interesting events we have organized so far. If we look at the number of people who have already confirmed their attendance, it is also going to be one of the biggest, and we know what type of energy is generated when many of us gather together...:-).

The enthusiasm that we can sense in the air is also due to the fact that our last workshop took place more than two months ago, and we can’t really wait any more, as we always say, to enjoy “an evening of exploration, learning and fun”:-); but certainly the main reason is that our guess speaker, American STEVE COMER, is considered to be a true legend in the field, wherever he goes when he teaches seminars around the word. (We don’t like the word ‘STAR’, but that would be the chase to use it;-).

We also take the opportunity to remind you that although it is always possible to access the room if that there are still seats left, we recommend arriving as soon as possible to take your seat, especially this time considering the number of people attending the event..

As always:

Doors open starting from 7.15pm with the workshop starting at 7.30. From 10pm, our celebrated ‘Social Informal’ will follow the workshop. Once again a great opportunity to make new friends and share the positive vibes together:-)!

For more info:

ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS - A Powerful Set of Toll to Create Instant Change -With American STEVE COMER

When: Wednesday, September 28,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Grand Canal Hotel (10 mins walk from the city center). 

Ticket: 15€ at the door or online (Credit Card or PayPal).


Enjoy the rest of the weekend and we'll see you all in 3 days!

Love & Light

Max Leone & the CLD Team



STEVE COMER is also giving a weekend workshop with Dr. Tammy in Dublin on October 01-02. Due to the fact that the workshop is restricted to a limited number of people and that it is the first time in years that Steve is teaching an Access Class in Ireland, the event might be fully booked.

However, you can check the availability at: REINVENT YOUR REALITY Weekend Workshop


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