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Go beyond your limits and you'll discover they are just an illusion...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 12:09 AM

Dear friend,

Today, I want to share with something fact, I want you to imagine yourself standing at the windows looking at the scenery...and I want you to look at the horizon and notice how far you can see...

Now if you trust your sight, you will assume that the world only extends as far as your eyes can see...that the furthest point you can see, set the limit of what actually exists out there...

Obviously we don’t do that, as we know that that’s just an optical illusion; in fact all we need to do to see more, is to advance towards the horizon...and more of that world will progressively unfold right in front of our eyes...

Now isn’t this what we do when we look at our abilities when we assume that what we can see ourselves do and be is all we can possibly accomplish...while instead, that’s just what we believe is possible for us from the perspective of where we are standing in life in any given moment – which is actually true as long as we reamain there...

But as we move towards the horizon, an entire new world appears right in front of our eyes, and once we move beyond the horizon which seemed to represent our limits, we realize that those limits were just an illusion...that we can now see twice as far, in a world of infinite possibilities...

And this is what the hero’s journey is all about. Expanding your horizons...


Our next event:

THE HERO'S JOURNEY: When You Start From Nothing You Can Create Anything

Love & Light
Max Leone


"Go beyond your limits and you'll discover that they were just an illusion" - Max Leone

To watch the video, CLICK HERE!



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