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What would you like to be doing with the group?

From: Julia S.
Sent on: Sunday, July 31, 2011, 8:08 PM

Thank you for all your support. I have met some lovely people via this group.

At the moment the group has mainly been visiting National Trust properties (or the like) with the odd theatre trip thrown in. I am really happy to have all sorts of ideas - and will post just about anything. But if you have a burning desire - why not post it .  My feeling being that it is far nicer to go somewhere with someone than alone.

There has been a fair amount of interest in a walk, this is not something I am good at (but if it is not too far and involves lunch at a pub - please count me in.) Is there anyone who would like to do this?

A recent member set up a Cinema meet - (great) - would you like more of these?

What about meals out? (or come for a meal at mine on the Second Saturday of any month "she plugs the event shamelessly")

Sport - what about sports? Do you have a desire for a partner in tennis or badminton, or a swinmming partner? Or a gym buddie?

I am about to think about some listings for the next couple of months, if you don't want to post them yourself then send them to me and I will. Without other ideas I will happily continue along similar lines - most of the time I am trying to think Sussex and Surrey. There are lots of London Meet-Up groups and a fair few in Brighton, so I am trying to think about where we are, and where we are is so lovely.

I cannot guarantee loads of people, but everyone I have met so far has been lovely, if you are a little concerned about meeting new people be unconcerned.

Thank you for joining the group, I look forward to seeing you at an event sometime


Julia x

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