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New Meetup: Volunteers needed for serving a Hot Meal Saturday

From: user 9.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 2:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vancouver Single's Volunteer Group!

What: Volunteers needed for serving a Hot Meal Saturday

When: July 25,[masked]:00 AM

The Door is Open
373 East. Cordova St. between Gore Ave & Dunlevy Ave
Vancouver, BC V5K 0A1

Join Lums and other good hearted singles, as we provide food for those in need. We will volunteer along side others and help prepare and serve a hot meal to those who appreciate it most.

In the morning we will have a brief orientation of The Door is Open by the coordinators of We will then get down to work preparing and organizing food which we will serve to our guests. Our donations will go towards the purchasing, preparing and creating of the bagged lunch; take away food is important for those hungry later on in the day.

With a few smiles and some clean up, we will feel satisfied we have done our part. We hope you can join us.

All proceeds go towards the purchase of food for the mission

We will meet at Door Is Open at 373 EAST Cordova St

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