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Steve Baker's new article - Successful entrepreneurs

From: Steve B.
Sent on: Monday, July 20, 2009, 9:52 AM


Pushing Water Uphill Blog by Steve Baker

Steve's Entrepreneur AA Club for Success (no, not that one)

Extra! Extra!

Let's talk about being Successful Entrepreneurs!

I apologize that I've been remiss in writing my articles for a few weeks. Being the entrepreneur and start-up junkie that I am, I've been very busy building yet another new company (which I can't discuss with you yet). So I have been writing a plans, executive summaries, comprehensive marketing plans, financial needs analyses, critical staff profiles, mission and vision statements - you know the drill.

Many of us have been entrepreneurs most of our lives. Our businesses have strive, thrive and occasionally die.

But we start again. It���s our passion, it's in our DNA; it's not what we do - it's what we are.

Now, with the recession, many successful corporate business men and women have been tossed out on the street and are considering starting their own businesses and becoming entrepreneurs. I welcome you to our new and different world.

So for all of us Startup Junkies and you Newbies, here are some tips that I think can help you in starting and running your business, and you don't even have to read them.

I recently sat down for a short one-on-one interview to discuss what makes entrepreneurs more successful and share one of my best tips for your success: The Steve Baker Entrepreneur AA Club. (no, it's not that AA, and no there's no membership fee and no you don't fill your garage with crap to resell down line)

CLICK HERE to watch the interview (sorry, there's a 60 second ad first) and then post your comments, thoughts and ideas for success on my blog page.
Oh, and please pass this on to others.

Steve is an entrepreneur, business advisor, author and avid poor golfer who has a passion for business and life.


��To Your Success!


Steve Baker
Absurd Thinker, Business Advisor,
Author, Public Speaker, Avid Poor Golfer

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."

       -- Albert Einstein



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