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What we’re about

CryptoMondays is an initiative launched in New York City in January 2018 by CryptoOracle, a community-first CryptoVC. As of March, 2020,  there have been CryptoMondays in 57 cities, in 23 countries around the world. CryptoMondays is about building local communities to enable people to network with like-minded people, with the goal of helping to build and educate the global Crypto community. 

given that every city around the world should be limiting social gatherings, we're starting CryptoMondays VR with the goal of continuing our mission, but in the virtual world.  So join and stay informed as events are scheduled.

If you want to hold a CryptoModnays VR event, please reach out and we'll set it up for you.


Lou Kerner

Founder, CryptoMondays, Co-Host CryptoMondays NYC