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What we’re about

Are you interested in exploring the arts, music, and amazing dining locations that Tarrant County offers, but haven't found anyone who shares the same interests?
Culture, Cuisine & Conversations explores diverse types of cultural events, the joy of fine food, and seeks to create a sense of belonging. Types of events can range from art, cooking classes, history, science, education, performance, film, etc.
Most importantly, CCC is meant to be an Open & Welcoming group for all. Our group is a social community that consists of singles/marrieds/couples of all ages, and of varied backgrounds. Not only are you welcome to join, but your ideas for such events are welcomed, too. CCC isn't a group you just be a member in, but offers you opportunities to host events you're interested in (or you can co-host if you want to go in with someone else).
To create and maintain that open, welcoming and safe environment in our membership, the following are required to join: 1. Your profile must have a recent, and easily identifiable picture of you (no masks, alterations, pictures of you in a group will not help us recognize you at events); 2. Your profile should list your name (doesn't have to be full name); 3. Your profile should answer all questions (even an "I don't know" will do); 4. No alias names/alias pics accepted. Requests to join without a photo of you or a fake photo will be declined.
We are Culture, Cuisine & Conversations ... a place where newcomers become friends.