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What we’re about

Hi & WELCOME to The SHINE Collective! ❤

I'm super excited that you are here!!

My name is Lisa Harris-McLean Empowerment & Transformation Coach for women, author, speaker, entrepreneur & business owner for over 24 years. This group will be filled with virtual training, workshops, and other opportunities & resources to help you SHINE!

✅If you are a newbie to the group please introduce yourself using #Newbie in the discussions section

✅If you have been a member of the group for a while please reintroduce yourself using #Intro in the discussion section

Wwhat is the SHINE Collective?

A collective for women who want to LIGHT up the world using their gifts & talents.

S.H.I.N.E. focuses on the areas of

S-elf Awareness

H-olistic Health & Wellness

I-ntegrating your Intuition

N-ourishing your Soul aka Self Care

E-motional Intelligence