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UPDATE for tommorrow

From: Mikey J
Sent on: Saturday, December 29, 2012, 9:45 PM

UPDATE - We are expecting a PACKED house tomm ... all the info regarding Panache is on the meetup details Farragut North is the closest Metro and we are next to the Mayflower Hotel in NW DC.  There is street parking on Sundays and if you would like there is a PMI Garage right next door to us.

.. As far as tables are concerned ...just a reminder we can only hold them until kickoff so please text me or call the restaurant[masked] if your running late ... It should be an awesome turnout and even better environment ..Im hoping for close to 200/ 250 COWBOYS fans ... come early if you want a seat at the bar ... we will be here all day for the games

- LETS GET THIS W !!!!!!!!