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RE : MBA Admissions FREE Event - For One Day Only!

From: Mer
Sent on: Monday, February 3, 2014, 2:45 PM

  • Thursday, February 6, 2014 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • National Press Club

    529 14th St Nw Ste 1300, Washington, DC (map)


  • To redeem your FREE ENTRANCE voucher, please register via this link You must go to the link and register as RSVP-ing through Meetup does not secure free admission to the event.

    Entrance to this event is usually $15 so this is an exclusive offer for Zen CEO: Mindful Leadership MeetUp members!

    As a company, QS runs the world’s largest MBA admission fairs and are a very well-known and trusted name within the education industry globally. Our fairs provide the opportunity for attendees to speak face to face with MBA admissions directors from top local, regional and international schools - so in the case of the Washington DC fair, attendees will be able to speak directly to the likes of American Univ, George Washington, Johns Hopkins, George Mason, Univ of Maryland as well as the likes of IE, IESE, HEC, Univ of Oxford and many more!

    Aside from speaking with admissions directors, attendees of the Washington DC fair will be able to apply for over $1.2M worth of MBA scholarships, learn about how to improve GMAT scores from GMAC, organize face-to-face interviews through Connect 1-2-1 as well as networking with Ivy League MBA Alumni from Wharton, Columbia and Tuck. So essentially this is an all-encompassing MBA day for anyone considering an MBA at some point in their career.

    Registration Opens – 4.30pm

    Pre-fair presentations start - 5pm

    Fair opens – 6.30pm

    *Attend anytime between 4.30pm - 9pm

    I look forward to seeing you all there!

    Don't forget to register for the event at: