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Preview Travel and Sailing trips for 2009

From: Linda M.
Sent on: Monday, October 13, 2008, 1:50 PM
Hi Everyone,
As I plan the schedule for our Sailing Adventures for next year, I wanted to let you all know so you can plan ahead to come have some real fun on your vacation with us.

Here is what I have in the works. Feel free to contact me at [address removed].
Or by phone[masked] if you want to know more. Would love to hear from you.

April 17-25
BVI Virgin Islands
We will have three 50'+ Sailboats with 4/5 Cabins
Cost: $1250, sharred Queen or Bunk Deposit: $500 to hold your berth. Bring a friend.

OCT 1-10
Come sail the Greek Islands Saronic (Athens)
Only $1085
Four or Five 50' + Sailboats. 5 Cabins..

Come to our Hapy Hours and meet other who travel with us year after year.

AGE Range: 17-75
Requirements: Ability to LAUGH and have FUN!


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