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Georgie's new life....

From: Cheri C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 1:05 PM

Hey everyone,

Georgie told me this morning that he has decided to join a punk rock band and will be leaving tomorrow to go on tour indefinitely.  His new name is going to be either Georgie Rotten or Kid Vicious (some of you may be too young to remember the Sex Pistols), he hasn't decided yet.

Ha ha ha ha ha! April Fool's!

Georgie may be rotten, but he's not leaving Mama.  He knows where the kibble comes from!


I do have an announcement that is unfortunately NOT an April Fool's joke. :(  For those of you planning on going to the Canine Carnival this Saturday, it has been postponed due to the venue overbooking it's facility.  So there will NOT be a Canine Carnival this Sat, it will be postponed until Sept 6th. :(

I know that's a long ways away, but we have our April meet-up to look forward to on Sat, April 12th. And don't forget, there's the Spring Terrier Games coming on May 3rd that is always a lot of fun.


Have a good April Fool's!

~Cheri and Georgie Rotten


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