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Re: How was Qigong Workshop - Training Mindfully with Qigong Principles?

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, January 29, 2012, 2:04 AM
FYI...the dvds for Qigong that I mentioned to Azi are done by Francesco Garripoli and Daisy Lee-Garripoli, produced by GAIAM.  "Qigong, beginning practice" includes Wuji Qigong, Swimming Dragon, Dragon Pearl, Bagua Xun Dao Gong, and more.  They also have the dvds "Qigong for Cleansing" and "Qigong for Stress Relief."  Daisy Lee also offers her "Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women" through

From: Meetup <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sun, January 29,[masked]:14:59 AM
Subject: How was Qigong Workshop - Training Mindfully with Qigong Principles?

How was Qigong Workshop - Training Mindfully with Qigong Principles?

You said you were going to Qigong Workshop - Training Mindfully with Qigong Principles on January 28,[masked]:00 AM

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