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2-HR Meditation Workshop, Sat, March 23, Addison

From: Supriya C.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 8:29 AM

2- Hour Meditation Intensive
      Saturday, March 23
         9:00 - 11:00 AM
Cost: $40  to register:

or it's  FREE  if you register in advance for Ananda's 8-week Art & Science of Raja Yoga class ........
(which includes meditation)
for Raja details:
       4901 Keller Springs Rd., Suite 103
                 Addison, TX   75001
             (1 1/2 blks W. of Dallas N. Toll Rd)

Want to learn to meditate - or need a refresher? Unable to take classes during the weekdays? Then this two-hour workshop may be right for you. In this gathering, you will learn all the basics needed to establish a meditation routine or for those already meditating, it is a great refresher to enhance your practice. 

Meditation is the way for each of us to have the actual experience of the Divine presence within. The
 benefits of regular meditation are many:  it helps us experience profound inner peace and calmness, increased mental clarity and focus, and inner joy. It relieves stress and helps us cope in this hectic, busy world in addition to increasing spiritual awareness.

Ananda Center offers on-going support for all meditators with Group Meditations every Tuesday evening @ 7:30 PM and Sunday morning @ 9:00 AM.  ALL ARE WELCOMED!

Blessings and Joy to you!    

Ananda Dallas Center

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