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Mobile App Hackathon - Saturday, Nov 5 (it's free) - Also Node.js speaker?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, October 24, 2011, 4:17 PM
Hi everyone -

I'm helping organize a mobile event I thought this group would have some interest in - would be great to see some of you out. Mobile App Hackathon is a one-day, platform agnostic event focused on building mobile apps and demoing them in one day. Beginners and designers are welcome too. We are seeing more and more people hacking with Node.js at events like this so wanted to make sure I reached out to this group. Developer support, food, drink and snacks are provided, and there will be some cool prizes - all held at some great space at the AT&T Innovation Foundry in Plano on Saturday, November 5. You can register at: (it's free and we've got some awesome fajitas and taco bar planned for food)

In the morning we will have short lightning talks / developer support from AT&T, Apigee, Sencha, Alcatel Lucent and a few other frameworks and APIs so you will have the opportunity to learn something new that you might want to try :). Come in a team or code solo, or meet a team on-site. Also, if you are or know of someone who could give a quick lightning talk on Node.js for mobile apps, shoot me an email, would love to have that. 

Feel free to email me with questions - - really hope to see some of you out!



Twitter: Shanley
Skype: shanleykane

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