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MeDaScIn Data Science Conference & Datathon News

From: Phil B.
Sent on: Friday, April 22, 2016, 7:12 AM
Hi all fellow Data Scientists

MeDaScIn 2016 - new spots available for tutorials

It's just 2 weeks to go to MeDaScIn 2016, the first Melbourne Data Science conference.

The program is now complete and we've updated the website with the speakers, their talks and the running schedule.

We have has a couple of cancellations in the previously sold out tutorials, so some spots have opened up, but you will have to be quick as it's first in best dressed. For the main arena talks, there are less than 50 tickets remaining, so hurry if you don't want miss out. Student tickets are available at a very much reduced rate.

Melbourne Datathon 2016 - this Saturday

Last might was the kickoff for our 2016 Datathon and it was standing room only. There is still chance to participate  if you want to roll up your sleeves and get dirty with the some data, meet new people, have fun and maybe win some cash. Just turn up this Saturday for the hackday There is $5k in prizes and 6 internships on offer.

for all the latest Datathon news, click here

Phil Brierley
Data Science Melbourne

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