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Data Visualization Workshop, early April

From: Kaiser
Sent on: Friday, March 20, 2015, 2:50 PM
The Art of Data Visualization is a well-received, hands-on short
course in making effective and engaging data graphics, taught by
Kaiser Fung, the creator of Junk Charts, one of the most widely-read
blogs on data visualization. Because data visualization is
story-telling in a graphical medium, the course adopts the format of a
creative-writing workshop.

Here are several reviews from past students:
"A terrific class. Excellent readings and a workshop structure that
allowed for a high level of creativity and honed our skills in
constructing and de-constructing effective visualizations."

"This was a great course that opened my eyes!!!"

"Fung brought in some fantastic speakers that are well respected in
the industry. The workshop nature of the class helped hone our eye not
just for our own project, but to observe and comment on those around

The course is now open for enrollment.





The Art of Data Visualization (DATA1-CE9002)

Instructor: Kaiser Fung

Apr  7 - May 12, 2015 (6 sessions)

Tuesday, 6:30-9 pm

New York City

Data visualization is storytelling in a graphical medium. The format
of this course is inspired by creative-writing workshops used
extensively to train budding writers, in which you gain knowledge by
doing and redoing, by offering and receiving critique, and above all,
by learning from each another. Present your project while other
students offer critique and suggestions for improvement.

The course offers immersion into the creative process, the discipline
of sketching and revising, and the practical use of tools. You will
develop a discriminating eye for good visualizations, and create at
least one piece of work that can be included in your portfolio.
Readings on aspects of the craft are assigned throughout the term. The
course offers a chance to demonstrate mastery of the integrated
approach combining the perspectives of statistical graphics, graphical
design, and information visualization.

Edward Tufte. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Graphics Press)
Julia Steele and Noah Illinsky (eds.). Beautiful Visualization:
Looking at Data Through the Eyes of Experts (O'Reilly)
Don Norman. The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded
Edition. (Basic Books)
Articles will also be assigned.

More infromation about the course is found here
Register here

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