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[Partner Content] Deep Learning Conference

From: Mukundhan S.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 7:20 PM


HasGeek is organizing a conference on Deep Learning. DLBLR is partnering with HasGeek for the first edition of this conference on 2-3 July. The purpose of this conference is to bring together practitioners, researchers, and developers to understand conceptual issues prevailing in Deep Learning, the emergence of Deep Learning as a discipline and practice in the ambit of Machine Learning, and an overview of the technological developments in India and globally.

A conference is scheduled
 2 July from 10 AM to 5 PM
​ and a​
workshop covering NLP and Computer Vision will be held on 3 July. The Call for Proposals
 now open; follow the link if you are interested in proposing a talk:

The Deep Learning Conference is a paid event. DLBLR members will receive codes to purchase conference passes at the early geek price. Proposals for speaking will be reviewed by an independent editorial panel constituted by HasGeek for this conference.

Stay tuned for more updates by following @deeplearningblr and joining the Slack group here.

Mukundhan Srinivasan

PS: This month's meetup has been announced. Check it out and RSVP!

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